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GVMS Frequently Asked Questions

BIFA held a series of webinars throughout the month of September to explain the upcoming changes from the 1st of January 2022 and collated a series of frequently asked questions and published some guidance to try and help steer hauliers in the right direction.

ACT have collated those questions and answers below.

1. Can EU hauliers register for GVMS if they don't have a Gov Gateway Account or GB EORI number?

EU hauliers must register if they are moving goods through UK ports that have adopted GVMS. To register:

• They will firstly need to get an EORI starting with GB

• They will also need a Government Gateway user ID and password. If they do not have a user ID, they can create one for their business when they register for GVMS

2. Should a freight forwarder register for GVMS?

Any Hauliers that move goods through ports that have adopted GVMS will need to register for GVMS. Hauliers may fall under one of the following definitions:

• an independent driver that transports goods and does their own customs paperwork

• a company that sub-contracts to pick up goods on behalf of another business

• a logistics business, hired to transport goods and complete customs processes on behalf of another business

• a large retail business, that transports and declares your own goods

If you use a freight forwarder, check if they’re prepared to manage GVMS declarations for you. If not, you must register for GVMS yourself.

3. Is it the responsibility of the haulier to create 'the Arrival' on GVMS or will GVMS arrive GMRs automatically and when GVMS is mandatory for all types of movements from Jan 2022, upon arrival, does GVMS automatically update CHIEF to generate cargo release?

• For imports GVMS will confirm that goods have had relevant customs clearance.

• For exports any “arrival” of export declarations is either completed when:

• The Declarant submits an “arrived” Exports/S&S declaration in CHIEF or CDS (for Exports where the High Volume ports of Dover, Eurotunnel or Holyhead is used) and permission to proceed (P2P is granted)

• In the case of standard exports (all other ports adopting GVMS) when the carrier checks in the Goods Movement Reference upon presentation by the haulier. Traders/declarants must always ensure the relevant import and Exports procedures are followed

4. At the EU place of exit, who monitors and controls the need for GVMS - will vehicles slip through without requirements in place?

Carriers at the EU place of Exit will request GMRs in all instances from 01 Jan 22 for all movements from EU to GB where the port has adopted GVMS. They will not allow Hauliers to board the vessel as a matter of course without one and will only allow journeys without a GMR in exceptional circumstances when advised by HMRC. Work is currently being carried to update that exceptional circumstances process – more information to follow.

5. Can GMR be created without the trailer number, and be updated as soon as this is known? What is the deadline for finalising the GMR with the trailer number, i.e. is the timing denoted by the port authority or the carriers?

The GMR can be created 28 days in advance of the journey and can updated/amended with any details until check in at the point of exit. The only aspect of a GMR that cannot be changed is the direction of travel.

6. Are there any plans to integrate GVMS with French envelope & ICS system to reduce admin load on forwarders?

There are no current plans for HMRC to integrate GVMS with any EU based systems

7. Will GVMS verify whether EORI numbers declared as belonging to EIDR traders are in fact authorised for EIDR (UK forwarders are declaring C status)

From 01/01/22 GVMS will confirm the EORI for Entry in Declarants Records (EIDR) is valid and has an appropriate authorisation. An error message will be generated when the GMR is created if a valid EORI isn’t entered.

8. How will the driver be told there is a hold on the goods? will there be screens onboard the crossing like they have on the export to EU?

The held/cleared status is communicated to hauliers and carriers via: GVMS. Some carriers may pass this message onto drivers for example via: screens in drivers lounges or text messages (for further information please speak to your carrier) however the driver can check the cleared status themselves via: a link in the GMR called “check if you need an inspection” service. This can be accessed without any registrations/GG accounts - by any party who has access to the GMR (e.g., via a smartphone with internet capability and access to cellular data and/or Wi-fi connection).

9. How does the agent link their entry to the GVMS?

If an agent is carrying out the GMR action on behalf of a haulier, then they would complete a GMR in exactly the same way (providing details of direction of travel, the route and the VRN/TRN/CRN) and link the relevant customs references into the GMR.

10. If the Haulier does not have a GB EORI number and therefore no access to GVMS, can the person contracting the Haulier (Trader or Declarant) submit the GVMS on behalf of the Haulier

The haulier has responsibility for creating the GMR and ensuring messages around held/cleared status are provided to drivers. However, they can delegate GMR registration and completion to another Economic Operator if they wish. However, the party that has assumed control of the GVMS completion and receives held/cleared messages, must ensure a “clear line of sight” is in place with the driver to resolve any GMR issues and to report for checks as required.

11. As many EU-GB movements leave after 8pm and arrive before 6am is it assumed everyone is operating a 24 hours clearance system and HMRC/BF officials will be in attendance if required?

As per the previous question - hauliers must always have a clear “line of sight” in place and ensure they are able to help drivers resolve any GMR related issues and ensure they report for checks – that said drivers can self-serve this information and some carriers provide information around clearance. HMG officials will be available to assist 24 hours a day should any checks be required. BIFA Webinar September 2021 – Frequently Asked Questions OFFICIAL

12. RE: Exports - what happens if one of the DUCR's on the GMR is not authorised for departure e.g route 1, is the truck expected to wait with all consignments until the route 1 is cleared?

For the “arrived” Exports process (via: Category 1 (high volume) ports of Dover, Eurotunnel, Holyhead) the haulier/driver should not proceed to the port until “permission to proceed (P2P)” is granted. Whether that means waiting before departure until a documentary (route one) is carried out, or waiting at an Inland Border Facility (IBF) whilst a physical check (route 2) is undertaken. P2P must always be in place before a driver arrives at any of these category 1 locations. For the standard exports process (all other GVMS ports) any checks take place at the port after check-in of the GMR.

13. No mention of unaccompanied movements, nor how GVMS interacts with inventory linked systems. Will a similar presentation be shown at some stage to account for these?

Thanks for your question/feedback – although for a haulier the checking in process and clearance of goods using GVMS, is essentially the same (for unaccompanied and when integrated into inventory linked systems) we will arrange a session covering both scenarios

14. Where ports offer both inventory and GVMS is it to be assumed all roro will be on GVMS or will it depend on the carrier and if so is there a list of which carrier is doing which

Where ports/carriers offer Customs Control Models for both inventory linking and GVMS, known as mixed models, GVMS can already be used for accompanied/unaccompanied Common Transit Convention Movements. In January ports/carriers/CSP’s can use GVMS for other movements as part of this mixed model (if carriers/CSP’s choose to adopt it) but for RoRo accompanied movements only. HMRC are currently reviewing this position.

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